Posted by on February 18, 2024

Event information

EventAIEC-SRNC The Netherlands (Noord-Sleen) 2024
Date2024-07-05 00 GMT till 2024-07-07 00 GMT

Manege de Hullen
De Hullen 2
7846 TB Noord-Sleen
The Netherlanda


De Hullen 2
7846 TB Noord-Sleen
The Netherlands

O.C. Contacts

President & Treasurer & Horses & Official Contact
Maaike Hofman
+31 642 904 374

Location & Logistics
Shannon Groeneveld

Show Office & Sponsoring
Pernilla Krans

Public Relations & Sponsoring
Alex van Randwyck

Esther Riemens

Entertainment & Horses
Menno Waninge

Gerben Hofman

The Official Contact is the ONLY member of the OC to be contacted with inquiries about the event.

AIEC Contacts

Technical Delegate
Lea Fischbacher (SUI)

Assistant Technical Delegate

Nr of teams12
Nr of supporters

120 maximum

Cost details and payment info

Payment can be done by either Bank Transfer (Revolut / Wise) or via PayPal.
All teams must pay the AIEC SRNC Team Fee + Basic Staying Costs directly to the Organising Committee.

RIDERS: a complete team of 3 riders must pay a total of EUR 810.-
(3x EUR 190.- + AIEC SRNC Team Fee EUR 90.- + 3x EUR 50.- Deposit)

INDIVIDUAL / ADDITIONAL RIDERS must pay a total of EUR 270.-
(1x EUR 190.- + 1/3 AIEC SRNC Team Fee EUR 30.- + EUR 50.- Deposit)

SUPPORTERS: must pay a total of EUR 210.-
(1x EUR 160.- + EUR 50.- Deposit)

DEPOSITS: EUR 50.- per person. Must be paid in advance. The OC endeavors to return deposits within 4 weeks of the competition end date.
MATTRESS: EUR 10.- per supporter (if desired). Must be paid in advance. Mattresses are provided for all riders free of charge.
Extra night: EUR 30.- per supporter
Wine package for the gala: EUR 15.- per supporter. Unlimited until the supply runs out. Please provide in advance if at all possible

PAYMENT DEADLINE: Friday 7th June 2024
Payment deadline is applicable to both riders AND supporters.
NRs please note: all payments must be made in one bulk transaction from a single account, to include all relevant costs.

Payment by Bank Transfer
Account Holder: KNHS Vereniging Nederlandse Student
Account Number (IBAN): NL74 RABO 0157 1067 13
Bank Address: Croeselaan 18, 3521 CB Utrecht, The Netherlands

Payment via PayPal
PayPal is for non EUR currencies only!
RIDERS: EUR 840.- total.
SUPPORTERS: EUR 220.- total.

PayPal Account
Name: Shannon Groeneveld

Please contact the National Responsible of your country to register. You can find a list of their contact details here: here.

If you wish to register an Oldies Team, please contact the DOC directly with a complete team of 3 riders.

NRs please note: Registration is only possible after the payment of your country’s membership fee for 2024.

Travel details

Closest Airport
Amsterdam Schiphol (AMS)
Groningen Eelde (GRQ)

Closest Railway Station


Riders registration
  • Start: 13 May 19:00 GMT
  • End: 24 May 23:00 GMT
  • Confirmation before: 31 May 23:00 GMT
  • Registrations are Over . Servertime: 2025-01-19 10:38:22 GMT
Supporters registration
  • Start: 13 May 19:00 GMT
  • End: 24 May 23:00 GMT
  • Confirmation before: 31 May 23:00 GMT
  • Registrations are Over . Servertime: 2025-01-19 10:38:22 GMT

Mattresses will be provided for all riders free of charge. Please inform the OC if supporters wish to purchase a mattress – cost EUR 10.- per supporter, to be paid in conjunction with the rider/supporter fee PRIOR to arrival. Everyone should bring their own bedding: blankets and pillows etc.

Extra night is possible for EUR 30.- per person, to be paid in conjunction with the rider/supporter fee PRIOR to arrival.
Gala drinks package: EUR 15.- per person, to be paid in conjunction with the rider/supporter fee PRIOR to arrival. Unlimited until the supply runs out!

Thursday 4th July 2024: Arrivals + Dinner + Chef d’Equipe Meeting + Welcome Party

Friday 5th July 2024 Breakfast + DR R1 + Lunch + DR R2 + Cultural Activity + Dinner + Theme Party

Saturday 6th July 2024: Breakfast + SJ R1 + Lunch + SJ R2 + Gala Dinner

Sunday 7th July 2024: Breakfast + SJ R3 & R4 + Lunch + DR R3 & R4 + Prize Giving +/- Departures / Extra Night

Dressage Protocols
Round 1: AIEC DR 1.02 Team
Round 2: AIEC DR 2.01
Round 3: AIEC DR 3.01
Round 4: AIEC DR FS + Technical TBD

Please wait.. Official team entries are beeing updated shortly.